![]() Chakras are energy centers that are charged with the one universal life-force. All living beings have chakras and share in that energy. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means spinning wheel and is a fitting description for these whirling vortices of energy. The chakras are located along the center of the body. There are seven basic chakras which rise upwards from the base of the spine. The three lower chakras (root, sacral, solar) relate to basic survival while the four higher chakras (heart, throat, third eye, and crown) are more esoteric. Some feel that dogs also have additional chakras located in their paws, tails and noses. Thoughts, actions, emotions, and all external stimuli affect the chakras. Out of balance chakras may result in behavorial issues or may even develop into physical ailments. When you give your pei a belly rub or when you pet them, you are actually performing a laying on of hands to heal and align their chakra system. Peis saved from kill shelters usually need lots of TLC and belly rubs to balance their chakras and let go of trauma. Balancing your dog’s chakras is harmless and may improve their behavior and health. Use your intuition to sense which of your dog’s chakras are out of balance and then send divine love energy to those areas. Imagine divine light coming in through your crown chakra and extending out through your hands to balance and heal while you pet your pei. You may use colors, crystals, and soothing music to assist you. The keys to success are loving intentions and creative visualization. Dog chakras are described below: Root or Base Chakra - The color of this chakra is red and is located at the base of the tail. This energy center relates to the physical world, survival instinct, pecking order, sense of security, trust, confidence. A fearful or nervous dog probably has an under-active root chakra. A toy or food aggressive dog probably has an over-active root chakra. Sacral Chakra - The color of this chakra is orange and is located at the lower abdomen or navel area. This energy center relates to feelings, sexuality, assimilation of food, and vitality. A guarded or unemotional dog probably has an under-active sacral chakra. A dog with separation anxiety probably has an over-active sacral chakra. Solar Plexus Chakra - The color of this chakra is yellow and is located at the mid-spine. This energy center relates to the center of personal power and will. A timid or passive dog probably has an under-active solar plexus chakra. A dominant or aggressive dog probably has an over-active solar-plexus chakra. Heart Chakra - The color of the heart chakra is green and is located at the center of the chest/heart. This energy center relates to unconditional love and affection. A cold and distant dog probably has an under-active heart chakra. Since divine love energizes and heals, there really is no such thing as an over-active heart chakra. Throat Chakra - The color of the throat chakra is blue and is located at the throat. This energy center relates to communication and self-expression. A shy, introverted dog probably has an under-active throat chakra. A dog who barks constantly probably has an over-active throat chakra. Third Eye or Brow Chakra - The color of the third eye chakra is indigo and is located at the center of the forehead above the eyes. This energy center relates to psychic insight and telepathy and is typically highly developed in dogs. A confused dog probably has an under-active third eye chakra. A dog who only wants to play probably has an over-active third eye chakra. Crown Chakra - The color of the crown chakra is violet and is located at the top of the head. This energy center relates to divine wisdom and understanding and selfless service. A dog that doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere probably has and under-active crown chakra. A dog that worries too much and doesn’t take care of his/her own needs probably has an over-active crown chakra. Blessings to you and your pei. Namaste. http://www.examiner.com/article/pei-chakras One beautiful and sunny day a man was taking a stroll along the beach
when he came across a young girl who was frantically throwing starfish into the ocean. The man asks the young girl, "Why are you throwing the starfish into the ocean?" The girl replied, "The starfish were washed upon the shore last night in a storm, and if I don't get them back into the ocean then they will die." The man looked around and to his amazement there were hundreds of starfish lying upon the sand. He looked at her and cackled saying "Why are you wasting your time? There is no possible way you can save all of these creatures. By throwing back a few, how is it that you expect to make a difference?" The young girl looked around sadly at the starfish that surrounded them on the beach, and then she looked back at the man and replied "Even if I save the life of only one, then I have made a difference." And with that she continued to save as many as she could. (Author Unknown) ![]() "I am the bridge, Between what was and what can be. I am the pathway to a new life. I am made of mush, Because my heart melted when I saw you, Matted and sore, limping, depressed Lonely, unwanted, afraid to love. For one little time you are mine. I will feed you with my own hand. I will love you with my whole heart. I will make you whole. I am made of steel. Because when the time comes, When you are well, and sleek, when your eyes shine, And your tail wags with joy Then comes the hard part. I will let you go-not without a tear, But without a regret. For you are safe forever-- A new dog needs me now." This is Wilburs first birthday. He lives in Australia. They are both so precious. You cannot help but love the Shar Pei. They are so smart, loyal and can I say stubborn!?! lol ![]() Shar Pei are an ancient Chinese breed. In fact, they are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Originally, pei were used as a general purpose farm dog. After the 12th century, they were chosen to guard Buddhist temples. It is a mystery whether they were chosen to guard temples because of their loving and sensitive natures or if they simply developed those traits after living at the temples. Either way, it is quite evident that pei respond positively to the kind of peaceful and loving atmosphere that is created by prayer and meditation. Try meditating with your pei, they will love it. Here's a sample meditation to get you started. Find a quiet place and sit comfortably or lie down. Begin breathing deeply and rhythmically. Relax and visualize yourself as a channel of positive energy. Now allow love to flow through you and then send it out to your pei. Your pei will draw close to you in order to bask in the positive energy and soak up the love. Enjoy and Namast - pei. http://www.examiner.com/article/the-yoga-of-pei ![]() Thanks to Doggone Safe for brilliant resources on being dog and family safe. Do you know what signals your dog gives to say "I need space"? These are polite warnings that things could escalate if your dog isn't comfortable. Dogs don't like being hugged and climbed on, no matter how cute it is. They may tolerate it, but that doesn't make it okay for us to allow it. Just avoid it! |
AuthorElise Loden, is the creator of Chinese Shar Pei Network - Needing Urgent Help and the Director/CEO of Chinese Shar Pei Network, Inc, a 501c3 Non Profit. Archives
May 2015
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